Вышла новая версия 2.0.1 замечательного движка Cute News работающего без использования внешних баз данных типа MySQL и.т.п Main improvements and enhancements: 1. Fixed HTML escaping; 2. Fixed date formatting (added the option to enter days of week in any language); 3. Updated the display of news items, improved pagination, fixed search form (the link to the news from the search is now working); 4. Fixed display of ID category in Integration Wizard; 5. Added the $ignore_rewrite option available for the news that doesn't require rewriting; 6. Added “smart” cutting of words via bb-tag [truncate=N]..[/truncate] (ignoring of HTML markup tags), counting of actual words; 7. XSS: tags from news are not cut out, except for "script" in various forms; 8. Fixed counting of active news items for pagination, old indexes are replaced with new ones, added sorting by tags; 9. Fixed CKFinder implementation, added a plug-in; 10. Added "Switch to html" mass action in News Listing; 11. Removed the "IP ban" counter in order for configuration not to return to its default value; 12. Fixed the Integration Wizard bug (which showed ")" at the end of the template); 13. Fixed the bug connected with the $template option which failed to work giving the default error; 14. Fixed thumbnails formation in the media gallery - now thumbs photos are displayed separately; 15. Added "anchor" in bb-tags to generate links in the format: id=<Id>#my_anchor ; 16. Added alphabetical sorting in the media gallery; 17. Removed "greed" of bb-tags capture ([link]...[/link] .... [link]...[/link] captured and formed only one link instead of two). http://cutephp.com/click.php?cutenews_latest